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How to post and answer a question

Posting a question

Posting a model train question on this forum is really, really easy:

  1. Go to the question page, which is here.
  2. Fill in the boxes and press ‘publish question’.
  3. All done!

That’s it – easypeasy!

On the upside, you don’t have to create an account or anything like that.

On the downside, each comment and question has to be manually approved, so we keep the forum free of hucksters and spam. This means it may take a few minutes (or hours truth be told) to go live.

Ask your question here!

Or if you’d like to see the recent questions, they are here. Just click on the question to reply.

model train forum question box

Ask your question here!

Don’t forget, your question has to be approved, so it may be a short while before it’s approved and live on the site.

Or it may be a long while if I’m out walking on the dog, or fast asleep because I’m on the otherside of the world.

But at least we’ll keep this place spam free, easy to use and useful.

Here’s how to answer a question

It’s just 3 easy steps to answer a questio on the model train forum:

Click on the ‘recent questions button’ at the top pf the page.

Then click on the title of any question.

how to answer question on model train forum

Then just scroll down to see all of the question, the other answers, and the form for your own answer!

model train forum answer

Please just mail me if you need any help – just hit reply to any of my mails.

