Can I ask what people's opinion of fitting snubbers (resistor/capacitor combo) to the ends of DCC Bus Wires? Or is it OK just to fit a continuous loop? And presumably I need to fit insulating fishplates to separate the ovals ...

Many of you will read my question and think...DUH!" But like my Father told me when I was far younger..."Thrive on adversity!" So here I go. As I have yet to bury my nose in ...

I have seen different opinions but I need a definitive answer: Can I run a DC engine on a DCC wired layout and can I run a DCC engine on a DC layout? Thanks for your help. Terry Miller, Idaho/USA

A friend gave me his DCC layout my layout is old school DC is it possible to convert to dcc without a large expense? I now have a digatrax controller and several tortoise switches to start building with but will need ...