I can't find a wiring diagram anywhere that actually shows how to wire accessories to a terminal strip and then back to the power supply or bus. I'm looking for a complete wiring diagram. New to the hobby and have absolute ...

Real novice here. American Flyer GP20 diesel overheats after running a short time. Could it be I'm running on AC and it's a DC motor? If so what to do?

Can I ask what people's opinion of fitting snubbers (resistor/capacitor combo) to the ends of DCC Bus Wires? Or is it OK just to fit a continuous loop? And presumably I need to fit insulating fishplates to separate the ovals ...

Have another question since the majority of you have far more experience in the hobby. In fact with work I haven't had time to even start the layout in part of the garage or even sort through all the junk ...

Many of you will read my question and think...DUH!" But like my Father told me when I was far younger..."Thrive on adversity!" So here I go. As I have yet to bury my nose in ...

Hoping to gain working knowledge and device selection for the addition of LEDs to diesels. Running, warning, ditch, and cab. Another locations ? Led type, number , size and flashing application. Thanks in Advance, John.