Wiring reverse loop
I’ve read everything on line and bought a basic DCC wiring book and cannot grasp REVERSE LOOP WIRING.
I’m building my layouts as 4’x3’ modules. I’m attaching a layout photo of one of my modules and hoping you or one of your readers can educate me as to where I need to isolate the track and where to place my LOOP REVERSER(S).
Do I need a reverser for each loop???
Incoming train enters the module at the upper right left hand track and exits at the upper right, right hand track.
Thanks in advance.
Frank – 73 years old

Answers ( 4 )
I’m not sure that you need a reverse module because your inward and outward tracks are separate. It is only when your train loops round and goes back on a single track that you need a reverser.
One way to check is to follow one rail ( left or right ) round your layout and make sure it only joins touches the same one all round the layout.
Hope this helps
Cheers Mike S … Also 72 years old
There are many ways to do a reverse loop. I found the best way was to isolate the loop rails by either cutting each rail or using plastic fish plates on each rail, then by using a switch to give power to the loop when a train uses it, there are many switches you can purchase or make yourself.
The issue is the positive rail meets a negative rail and same on the Meg side. To make a switch work you need a 6 pole switch the input being the centre pins then using a piece of wire dropper wire is ok, solder the wire from top left pin to bottom right pin and top right pin to bottom left pin, this reverses the neg and pos to opposite rails, obviously you take your feed from either a separate supply or from main track supply, then connect to isolated loop, it worked for me. Hope it works for you
It’s not clear from the photo whether the two tracks converge at a switch or remain two separate lines when they go to the next module. If they remain two separate tracks then nothing will be needed. If there is a crossover between the two tracks anywhere after that, then it becomes a reversing loop regardless of where the crossover is. If the tracks combine to a single track on this module or the next then this is also a reversing section. The web page ‘https://dccwiki.com/Reverse_Sections’ shows how this is done and describes the DCC modules and where to wire them. I’ve attached an edited photo that shows where cuts are needed. Insulating joiners at the two switches below the cuts would be adequate. Make sure both rails are insulated at the same track location for each switch.
Good Luck and Have Fun! Ray
Hi Frank,
Reversing loops can be very tricky as you will have to be able to reverse the current. I believe for DCC there are automatic reverse gadgets that allow the locomotive to cross the loop without stopping.
I have DC and used a DPDT – Double Pole Double Throw – switch. This works, but I have to stop the locomotive, change the points and flick the DPDT switch to reverse the current before restarting the locomotive.
You will need to isolate two of the tracks as demonstrated by Ray in his sketch above.
Have a look on the internet, there are videos to show you how they work
Good luck
Andrew in OZ