I can't find a wiring diagram anywhere that actually shows how to wire accessories to a terminal strip and then back to the power supply or bus. I'm looking for a complete wiring diagram. New to the hobby and have absolute ...

I had a thought that I wanted to run by the experts: why not use pegboard (the kind you have behind your workbench to hang tools on) for the decking on a layout benchwork instead of plywood? In all the layouts ...

I’ve read everything on line and bought a basic DCC wiring book and cannot grasp REVERSE LOOP WIRING. I’m building my layouts as 4’x3’ modules. I’m attaching a layout photo of one of my modules ...

A friend gave me his DCC layout my layout is old school DC is it possible to convert to dcc without a large expense? I now have a digatrax controller and several tortoise switches to start building with but will need ...